Game Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This application values your privacy and is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This privacy policy explains the information practices of our application, including the collection, use, and disclosure of information.

  1. Information Collection and Use

    Our application does not collect or use user data in any way. Usernames, email addresses, device identifiers, or similar personal data are not collected.

  2. AdMob Service

    Our application uses Google AdMob service to serve advertisements. Google AdMob may use device identifiers, location information, or similar data to target ads. We do not collect or use this data, but we recommend reviewing Google AdMob's own privacy policy.

  3. Cookies

    Our application does not use cookies. Therefore, personal data is not collected through cookies.

  4. Third-Party Links

    Our application does not contain links to third-party websites or services.

  5. Children

    Our application does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If any user claims to be under 13 years old, this information will be promptly removed from our system.

  6. Data Security

    We do not collect user data, so you do not need to worry about data security. The security and privacy of our users' data are maintained at the highest level.

  7. Changes

    Our privacy policy may be updated from time to time. Any such changes will be notified on this page to be effective.

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us.